7.3 Agreed response plans and procedures


What does this measure refer to and what is its objective?

Reviewing the detail of this process is an important means of ensuring effective incident response. In particular with fatalities initial early actions (‘fast track’ actions) aimed at a risk identification and classification of a fatality as suspicious or otherwise, can lead to significant improvements in incident resolution times.


Best practice and lessons learned

Fatalities. The police incident decision making process, together with the documentation of decisions and supporting rationale, is key to mitigating the impact of a fatality incident on rail operations. This would necessarily involve decision makers external to the police, and needs to be supported by clearly documented processes and training/briefing of police officers. Whilst the legal requirements relating to the police response to fatalities vary across Member States, it is recommended that the approach taken in Great Britain be shared with other Member States, IMs and RUs.

General incident response arrangements. The issues in the incident response plan interfacing the IM, RU and police include, but are not limited to: incident command and control; IM and RU interface roles and responsibilities; site safety; attending to the welfare of passengers & staff; site access arrangements; logistical support; lines of communication; information sharing and dissemination; media communication and incident investigation.

All the above dictate relevant procedures, with agreed upon roles and responsibilities, which are implemented before and during these incidents, including:

  • Incident response plan maintenance;
  • staff competences & training;
  • communication means & procedures;
  • incident log & reporting;
  • site safety;
  • operational safety;
  • track access;
  • incident investigation.

Warning points

Expected difficulties and issues you should pay attention to


Other points that you should not forget

Consult the BTP Fatality Guidance Manual here. BTP also developed an ’Anti-Disruption Strategy and Guidance’. Contact person: Tom Naughton

Study results

Data or other evidence supporting the measure's effectiveness

last update: 2015-01-29